On your mark. Get set. BRAND!
Tips On Establishing a Brand For Your Business
By: Brittany Ingram, Denis Robichaud
February 2, 2021
When looking to establish a brand for your business, it can sometimes be overwhelming. What colors do I use? Fonts? Logos? The first question you should ask yourself is, "what exactly is a brand?" The term brand and logo are often used interchangeably and can be confusing to most. A logo is a visual shortcut associated with a company, whereas the term brand usually embodies all that the company represents.
While many factors contribute to establishing a brand for your business, we have outlined a few of the most important below to lay the groundwork for gaining a competitive edge.
What's in a name?
Having a memorable name and logo is especially important as it helps to build customer confidence and loyalty. Your name and logo will appear everywhere, and you want customers to recognize it and engage with your business without hesitation. When creating your name and logo, you want it to reflect your company and all that it embodies. Your goal should be to become more than just a name and symbol; you have become a company whose consumers recognize and support what you stand for.
Let's go knocking screen to screen.
In today's world, social media has assumed the share of the way brands reach their customers. With digital platforms that help market brands and increase brand awareness, businesses can use these sites to reach their target audience with tailored content better. While the evolving digital world is quickly overtaking some outreach areas, companies still find value in including more traditional approaches to brand promotion to reach their customers. Essential aspects of promoting are to be consistent in visual presentation, voice, tone, and messaging, whether digital or in print.
If I could walk a thousand miles, how would I know?
In a continually changing world, it is difficult to know what you are doing right (or wrong) in your branding if you have not developed a way to measure your success. Using analytics, surveys, social media discussions, and more, you can better understand how people view and engage with your brand. You can then take this feedback and adjust your brand to be more competitive or meet your customer needs based on their interests and how they engage with you.
Establishing a brand for your business is not one of the easiest things to do, but it can impact your day-to-day business and how people view you. Take your time with the design of your logo. Develop a voice for promoting your brand, and lastly, measure your results against the ever-changing world to keep a foot in the door of a potential client.